Go Orange HAM (Hunger Action Month)

September was Go Orange HAM (Hunger Action Month). Thru out the month we had food drives to collect food for the winter storm packs,(protein, veg-gies, soups, powdered milk, cocoa made with milk, fruit). Below are some of the pictures from the event.

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Hannaford Fight Hunger Bag

For November 2017, every Hannaford Fight Hunger Bag sold at the Hannaford store located at 32 Mountain Valley Blvd., No. Conway NH will generate a $.25 donation to support The Gibson Center – Meals on Wheels! Hannaford Fight Hunger bags with the message “This bag...

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How you're Helping

Miles driven by our buses for our patrons' medical appointments, trips & more.21,000Meals On Wheels and Congregate Dinning Meals served per year.52,000Miles per year driven by Meals On Wheels volunteers.43,000Free laptops & Samsung tablets given away with 250 hours of computer skills training.45
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