Gibson Center - Ways To Give

Giving to the Gibson Center for Senior Services affirms the lives of seniors by fostering connection, joy and purpose. You are joining everyone in our broad community who believes every life deserves respect and dignity. We are them and they are us. We all thrive when we come together. Your gift supports our exercise, social activities, transportation, meals, and programs.

One time or Monthly donation


Donate to Gibson Center with a one-time or monthly donation. Your gift will fund critical programs for local seniors!

Abundance Guild


Donate to the Gibson Center and join the Abundance Guild with your Gift Over $1000. Your gift will ensure we are improving housing, health, transportation, recreation, and community connections across all generations. Or you can make a Memorial tribute gift in honor of a family member or treasured person who has loved the Gibson Center.

Gibson Center - Legacy Honor Society

Make it LAST

Make a donation and leave a Legacy with Meaning by becoming Gibson Center Honor Society member. Your planned giving commitment helps to address our growing needs in areas nutrition, transportation, education, social engagement, housing and recreation.

How you're Helping

Miles driven by our buses for our patrons' medical appointments, trips & more.21,000Meals On Wheels and Congregate Dinning Meals served per year.52,000Miles per year driven by Meals On Wheels volunteers.43,000Free laptops & Samsung tablets given away with 250 hours of computer skills training.45
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