Anyone turning 65 must make informed decisions about Medicare enrollment. It can be a daunting experience. Let certified SHIP counselor (State Health Insurance Assistance Program), Ele Border, introduce you to your options in an unbiased, unaffiliated and pleasantly educational manner. She meets with individuals or couples for counseling sessions covering enrollment, coverage options and costs. All people turning 65 have 7 months to sign up for Medicare (3 months before, the month of, and the three months after one turns 65) without a penalty in the future. Common questions include the difference between Original Medicare and Advantage Plans, financial assistance programs, late enrollment penalties, and deferring enrollment due to the availability of employer insurance.

Also, Ele provides Open Enrollment assistance from October 15th through December 7th Medicare beneficiaries have the opportunity to change Prescription Drug Coverage (part D plans). Part D plan options change every year so this is a good time to evaluate the cost of medications and see if there is a cheaper option.

Please call 603-356-3231 to schedule your personal appointment with Ele.

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