Knowing there is someone to call when you have questions or troubles with living in place can be of great comfort.  We are fortunate to have Renee Wheaton on the staff of the Gibson Center, working for you as the Senior Resource Navigator.  When there are questions like how to apply for assistance, how to renew a driver’s license, how to access care, how to find a contractor for repairs, or similar situations that arise, Renee is willing and able to steer you in the right direction.  She has been the Resource Coordinator for Freedom for several years and is very knowledgeable about the service agencies and personnel who are here to help you.  If she doesn’t immediately know the answer, she will track it down!

She is also the coordinator of the Stay Warm, Safe and Dry home repair program. You can reach her directly at 603-205-0909 or by calling the Gibson Center at 603-356-3231.

Renee Wheaton
Renee Wheaton - Senior Resource Navigator

How you're Helping

Miles driven by our buses for our patrons' medical appointments, trips & more.21,000Meals On Wheels and Congregate Dinning Meals served per year.52,000Miles per year driven by Meals On Wheels volunteers.43,000Free laptops & Samsung tablets given away with 250 hours of computer skills training.45
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