We are delighted that you are interested in donating your time to the Gibson Center. Every hour is worth gold to us and has lasting impact. Here we describe each opportunity but if you have more questions or would like to sign up, please see below for “Becoming a Volunteer,” or call the Nutrition Director, Becky Gargon or Program Director, Jill Reynolds at 603-356-3231.
- Dining Room Servers: Set tables, greet congregate diners, serve, and clear tables, 10:00-12:30 one or more weekdays.
- Meals on Wheels Drivers: Deliver hot meals, newspaper and a smile one or more mornings a week, 9:00-11:00
- Food Pantry: make emergency food packs, and/or manage our inventory for expiration dates, volumes, and variety needs. Time by arrangement with Nutrition director.
We receive donations from various sources in the Valley and we sort and distribute those gifts.
- Food Pickups: Once or more per week we receive notice of donations from local grocery stores. Volunteer needs a pick-up truck, van or station wagon for the crates.
- Summer Gleaners: Local farms offer fresh produce if we will pick it.
- Customer Service: Wait on customers, reorganize racks and shelves; one day a week on Mondays-Saturdays 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
- Donation Sorter: Receive donations and sort/organize them for retail
- Special Program Presenters: Come present after lunch talks of interest such as travel, wildlife, downsizing, personal finance, music.
- Special Event Aids: parking, baking, decorating, greeting, room set up and take down
- Game Day “4th” at cards or other games
- FunDay Aide: Assist in the activities for participants with minor cognitive impairment
- Caregiver Support Group
- Computer Tutoring
- Exercise Class Aide
Volunteers are encouraged to find areas of common interest and engagement. Examples of activities that are recommended include:
- Lunch dates
- Cribbage/game/puzzle partner
- Gardening
- Cooking
- Painting
- Letter Writing
- Outdoor Walking
- Reading Out Loud
- Sand Bucket Safety
- Bird Feeder Filling.
Volunteer Requirements for home visiting include:
Criminal and driving background check, to be done before first visit. Sensitivity, Virtual Dementia Training and HIPPA (confidentiality) training.
We are stronger for our partnerships and collaboration with other organizations in our community. If you are already involved with one of these as staff, volunteer or Board member, you would be an excellent bridge for us to share ideas, programs and create new services. We are looking for one volunteer per organization. These are just some examples:
- Valley Promotions
- Chamber of Commerce
- Parade Liaison: choose local parades, organize permits and decorations.
- MWV Adult Day Center
- Memorial Hospital
- Library
- Service Link
- Island Caretaker: Keeping our parking lot plantings looking fresh. A few minutes each week in the summer maintains a welcoming, garden like appearance.
- Lilac Hedge Care: Our long lilac hedge benefits from once a year in June trimming, dead-heading and weeding.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please come visit us at 14 Grove Street. Our Nutrition program staff or Program Director have applications and can provide detailed information about the opportunities. You will be joining over 100 others who have been devoted to the Gibson Center’s services.
All volunteers who have contact with Gibson Center clients without direct supervision of a staff manager must complete a Criminal Background Check (at Gibson expense), a Bureau of Adult and Elderly Services check, and if performing MOW or Home visits, must have current valid proof of vehicle insurance, registration, an acceptable driver’s record, and clear the National Sex Offender registry.
The cost of obtaining these clearances is borne by the Gibson Center and can take up to 3 weeks to be completed.